Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Unleashing the Power of AI Tools: From Learning Languages to Optimizing Code

In the last 18 months, my journey with AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing/GitHub Copilot, Microsoft Designer, and others has transformed from casual use to indispensable professional assistance. Here’s a glimpse into the diverse ways these generative AI tools have enriched my personal and professional life:

Language Learning and Translation
- Languages: I’ve learned and mastered Spanish and French, seamlessly translating words and sentences.

Mastering Technologies
- Tech Skills: These tools have been instrumental in helping me learn and excel in various technologies.

Complex Infrastructure Automation
- Azure ARM Templates: I created and enhanced intricate Azure ARM templates that included storage accounts, Azure Data Explorer (ADX), Key Vault, Service Principals, and other interdependent components.
- Automation Scripts: I scripted automated deployments for ARM templates, Databricks clusters, and other dependencies.

Code Optimization
- Performance Enhancement: The AI tools provided design suggestions for improving the performance of Python, Java, and C# code.
- Prometheus Queries: They helped generate and optimize Prometheus queries.
- Kusto Queries: Understanding, fixing, and optimizing Kusto queries became significantly easier.
- Prisma Framework: I generated and understood code for the Prisma framework effortlessly.

Creative Design and Graphics
- Logos and Posters: Created numerous logos, posters, and graphics for various events and occasions.
- Quiz Design: Designed an online multiple-choice quiz with hints.

Web Development
- Blog Creation: Developed a blog using Jekyll, hosted on Netlify.

Professional Presentations and Documentation
- Presentations: Generated comprehensive presentations for reviews.
- Meeting Summarization: Summarized Teams meetings efficiently.
- Document Summarization: Summarized PDF books and articles.
- Resume Enhancements: Improved and updated my resume.

Personal Assistance
- Holiday Planning: Planned holidays with detailed information on food, transport, and accommodation.
- Writing Enhancement: Reviewed and enhanced various writing pieces, including this post.

The Essential Role of AI Tools

AI tools have become as essential today as search engines were for many years. Their utility spans coding, writing (both technical and creative), presentation creation, graphic design, web development, language learning, and much more. From generating summaries to suggesting well-structured learning plans, these tools offer tremendous value when used effectively.

The Art of Prompt Engineering

The effectiveness of AI tools largely depends on how we use them. This is where the knowledge of prompt engineering becomes crucial.

- Basic Prompting: Think of it as having access to an entire library.
- Advanced Prompting: This is like finding a specific book in that vast library.

The better the prompt, the higher the chances of quickly getting the desired outcome. Prompt engineering is the art of communicating eloquently with AI, ensuring precise and effective responses.

— -

In conclusion, AI tools have significantly impacted my ability to learn, create, and optimize. They have proven to be versatile and invaluable in various domains, emphasizing the importance of mastering the art of prompting for effective use. Whether you’re a tech enthusiast or a casual user, integrating AI tools into your routine can unlock immense potential.

Monday, July 1, 2024

What do you do?

 What do you do?

તમે શું કરો છો?

आप क्या करते हैं?

¿Qué haces?


நீங்கள் என்ன செய்கின்றீர்கள்?

Right from our college (school) days till the retirement age (and beyond), we all ask and encounter this question.

The person asking this question might be a new neighbor, a relative, an acquaintance, someone you met at the bar or gym, or even the staff when you visit a bank!

In reality, the actual question is - What do you do for living?

This 'for living' is assumed. The intent is almost always to know one's financial status, or future prospects.

But does it always have to be this way?

We all do or thrive to do some things with the aim of generating income. This is what brings food on our tables and repays our EMIs. This is what we do for living.

But outside this professional world, most of us also do things that keep us going.

If the hectic work life is bringing chaos in our lives, these activities are bringing much needed sanity. 

For some it is an outing with family, for some it is teaching kids at an NGO, for some it might be a book, and for some it might be a game with friends. We usually don't generate any income out of it nor we do it for that purpose.

It is wrong to categorize these as mere hobbies, as these are as much essential as our professional duties.

What do you do for living - will give only some idea about that person. What do you do to keep going - completes it.

Next time, if you really want to know a person - do ask the second question.

So, What do you do?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

GenerativeAI as a thought partner

Couple of years back, during the Covid lockdown, I had worked on creating many short stories about Indian heroes with the purpose of spreading awareness about them. This was before the arrival of GenerativeAI age.

During a break recently, a thought came across on how can one use GenerativeAI to create something simple yet interesting using this already available data.

Thus begun the project of 'Indian Heroes Quiz', with ChatGPT as a new assistant!

Initial Data:
  • Stories about Indian heroes in simple language

  • Create a simple online quiz game to create awareness about these heroes.

Part 1 - The Quiz
It all started by creating a rough design on paper about the possible UI of the quiz. Purpose was to keep the UI and Tech Stack simple. 

The prompt was created with specific details and given to ChatGPT, which created fairly accurate version of the code. It's been many years since I have worked on Javascript, but it didn't take much time to understand and enhance the generated code.

The design did went through multiple iterations - 
  • flip cards for answer
  • randomization of cards and options
  • logo and image generation and placements
  • scoring calculations
  • dataset changes
  • making UI mobile/tablet compatible

There is an advantage of having a continued session in ChatGPT. It remembers the context and incremental additions/changes become easier.

Once the generated site was tested locally, like an able partner, ChatGPT provided options for hosting with complete set of instructions. The hosting on Netlify was easier than anticipated and the quiz was live!

Part 2 - The Questions

While the quiz was getting ready, it was important to get the content ready for the same. After all, this was the main part.

Summary was already available for each person. The task was to create hints, options and abstract from this summary. Manually it would have taken a long time and required repetitive effort.

Again, ChatGPT stepped up like an obedient intern. Once the prompt was finalized after few experiments, it generated required information for each individual. It also provided output in formatted JSON as was needed for the quiz.

The Final Result

Enjoy the quiz here and do share your feedback -


Understanding Prompt engineering is very important while working on GenerativeAI tools. It is imperative to find effective prompt for the specific requirement that contains -
  • Primary content
  • Specific instructions to set the context and what needs to be done
  • Cues (mainly for structured output)
  • Examples

ChatGPT works well when bulk data is provided in a text/word file. But there seems to be a size-limitation in the output as it generates output for only a few input mentioned the doc. Thus one may need to repeat this exercise if there are many input entries to be processed.

Was it possible to execute this project in pre-GenAI era?

Yes, of course. Someone with reasonable web/app building experience, could have done it easily, with the help of search as well.

The what new GenAI brings?

It allowed the developer to focus on the overall design by becoming a partner that helped in
  • Logic to code generation (without requiring to master the new language)
  • Incremental enhancements and optimizations
  • Come up with professional looking UI
  • Image/logo generation (Microsoft Designer)
  • Helping with deployment
Basically changing the focus from implementation to ideation.

At the end technology is as good as how we use it.

Monday, May 6, 2024

From Chaos to Compassion: The Remarkable Ukraine Rescue Efforts

In February 2021, approximately 19,000 Indian students found themselves caught in a precarious situation as the Russian invasion of Ukraine unfolded.

Many people saw and debated the evacuation operation done over the next few days based on what they on the TV.

Let me share you somewhat an insider story of that operation.

The Beginning

The Indian medical students had traveled to Ukraine with dreams of pursuing higher education, but the sudden outbreak of war disrupted their academic journey. Despite receiving notifications from the Indian Foreign Ministry, most students chose to stay in Ukraine until the war was officially underway. The uncertainty of the conflict’s duration played a significant role in their decision.

They worried about losing an entire semester’s worth of studies if they returned to India prematurely. Little did they know that the war would persist for more than two years.

Ukraine shares its eastern border with Russia, making it nearly impossible for students to exit from that side. On the North-Western side, Ukraine borders Belarus, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova. These neighboring countries provided alternative routes, but each had its own challenges.

(Image courtesy -

Operation Ganga

Indian government launched an evacuation mission, Operation Ganga, to rescue its citizens stranded in neighboring countries of Ukraine.

Alongside government agencies, ministers, and embassies, global social organizations played a pivotal role in this humanitarian effort.

One such organization was Sewa International. With a team of experienced senior volunteers who had previously worked in crisis situations, Sewa swiftly organized their efforts. 

Sewa International assembled a dedicated team to compile essential information. They created a comprehensive datasheet containing details of all Indian nationals stranded in Ukraine based on the information received from various sources, including Indian Embassy. Having accurate data was crucial for effective communication and coordination during the evacuation process.

The team of online volunteers at Sewa International utilized various messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal. Their mission was to reach out to each stranded individual, ensuring they were aware of the evacuation efforts and providing them with necessary instructions. 

By leveraging these digital channels, Sewa established direct communication with those in need. Different volunteers started contacting people stranded in different cities, mainly Kyiv, Odesa, Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv.

The Rescue Begins

As the Russian invasion unfolded in Ukraine, chaos gripped the streets of cities across the country. As the situation escalated, panic set in, and many sought refuge in underground bunkers with limited network connectivity.

In the midst of this turmoil, Sewa volunteers reached out to the stranded Indian students to provide critical support.

J (Sewa Volunteer): "Hi A, where are you? Are you safe?"

J: "I am calling on behalf of Sewa International. We're here to stay in touch with you and provide information to help you cross the border."

A (Stranded Student): "Ma'am, we're in a bunker right now."

Slowly, trust bridges formed, and emotions poured out. Fearful students shared their plight:

A: "Ma'am, we're frightened. Please help us get out of Kyiv. They're not allowing us on the trains."

J: "A, don't worry. You'll soon find a way."

Any important information that would help in the evacuation was conveyed to the team of volunteers through the channels setup by Sewa team. The volunteers would also coordinate with each other to share information related to specific cities and geographies.

The Challenges

As the volunteers started working, the demographic situation posed challenges. With Western border invaded, only option was to exit via North-Eastern border. But reaching there was not easy. The students in Kharkiv, a city near Russian border, were worst affected. 

Despite the odds, students managed to reach the border town of Lviv. Conversations with their Sewa buddies kept them going during the harsh conditions and kept record of their whereabouts. Some trekked to Romania, others to Poland, covering distances of 15 to 30 kilometers.

Sewa volunteers stationed in Europe played a crucial role. They assisted incoming students settling near the Ukraine border. Locals opened their doors, offering comfort and food to these strangers. Humanity prevailed even amidst conflict.

The Flight

Once away from war-torn Ukraine, students' anxiety shifted to flights to India. A no-fly zone loomed over Ukraine, and flights were scarce. The Indian government enlisted the Air Force to expedite evacuation.

A: "Ma'am, we are now stuck on Romania for two days. When will be get our flight?"

It took time, but one-by-one all of them were accommodated in different flights over the next few days.

Finally, the messages started coming about their safe arrivals.

A: "I have reached India safely. Thank you so much for being there. World needs more people like you." 

Some even sent video messages summarizing the eventful last few days.

These messages encapsulated the bond forged between two complete strangers living across borders in the midst of an unprecedented crisis. 

While the unfortunate war still goes on, the society will remain extremely grateful of those involved in this rescue operation.

The Ukraine rescue operation involving Indian students is a testament to the power of collective action and humanitarian efforts during times of crisis.

Operation Ganga: Indian nationals returning from Poland 
(Photo: Twitter/@Gen_VKSingh)

The Home Connection

How do I know this so well?

This story is close to our heart because my better half, Jyoti, operated a help center from our own residence in Pune. 

The first call/message was done on February 25, 2022, and the last on March 3, 2022. 

Every person contacted returned safely to India. 

This is an example of how sheer goodwill can make seemingly impossible things happen. 

Evacuation of people from an active warzone is a complex operation, and it was the combined effort of many people, from the ministers to ambassadors, government officials to NGOs, made it possible.

We are extremely proud of Jyoti and all other silent heroes involved in this operation.

Trivia - Sewa International helped about 30,000 people across multiple nationalities amidst Russia-Ukraine crisis

Unleashing the Power of AI Tools: From Learning Languages to Optimizing Code

In the last 18 months, my journey with AI tools like ChatGPT, Bing/GitHub Copilot, Microsoft Designer, and others has transformed from casua...